
Posted: October 2, 2017

We would like to remind our entire learning community that there will be no school on Monday, October 9th as we recognize Thanksgiving weekend.  Take this time to give thanks to family and friends and enjoy your extended weekend Gators!

Posted: September 27, 2017

All students are reminded to please wear an orange shirt on Friday in recognition of Orange Shirt Day - Every Student Matters.

Posted: September 22, 2017

Auditions for The Velveteen Rabbit will be held Monday, September 25 from 2:30 to 3:30 for grades 3-5 students.  Students who signed up have been given an audition script and a role to prepare.  They do not have to have the part memorized, but should read it over.  They will audition in groups.

Posted: September 22, 2017

Gretna Green will be supporting the Terry Fox Foundation once again this year with a week long spare change drive.  We are asking all students to bring in spare change beginning on Monday, September 25th and ending on Friday, September 29th.  All students will then participate in our annual walk on Friday.  Please support this great cause in support of funding for cancer research.

Posted: September 19, 2017

Please join us for our annual walking school bus this Friday, September 22nd.  Meet us at the Northumberland Square at 7:30 am in Douglastown.  We will walk from the mall to Gretna Green.  It will be a great start to a healthy day!

Posted: September 17, 2017

We would like to remind everyone that our school photos will be taking place this week.  Students in grades 6-8 will have their photos taken on Monday, September 18th and students in grades K-5 will have their photos taken on Tuesday, September 19th. We would like to remind all parents that only those siblings who have committed to purchasing sibling photos will have one taken.

Posted: September 14, 2017

A special thanks to Fred Fox, Terry Fox's brother, for his visit to Gretna Green today!  He provided a very touching and motivational speech for our entire school.  Stay tuned for our upcoming Terry Fox Walk as we continue this great cause towards cancer research.

Posted: September 6, 2017

We are happy to announce that school sports will be starting very soon for our elementary and middle level students in both soccer and cross country.  We encourage all students to participate as we have a great group of teachers who are volunteering their time to provide you with a great sporting experience at Gretna Green.  Please see Mr. Ryan for further details.

Posted: August 21, 2017

A reminder to all of our students that our first day back to school will be September 5th.  Parents of kindergarten students are reminded of the staggered entry that was highlighted in a letter sent to you over the summer.  If you are unsure of your child's first day of school please call the school.  We are also happy to announce that our new cafeteria will be and running on the first week of school along with our breakfast program.

Posted: June 24, 2017

We would like to wish our entire learning community an awesome summer holiday.  May you take the time to create awesome memories with family and friends. Thank you all so much for creating such a fantastic year at Gretna Green!


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