
Posted: November 13, 2016

The Douglastown Lions Club have long been supporters of GG initiatives and this partnership continues to this day.  They recently made a special presentation to our Home & School with the presentation of a cheque of over $1000.00 in support of the completion of our new playground.  Many thanks to the fine volunteers of this great organization and for your continued support!

Posted: November 1, 2016

The entire learning community of Gretna Green would like to thank all those who have served and continue to serve our great country and to remind everyone to recognize their importance on Friday, November 11th, Lest We Forget.


Posted: October 29, 2016

Congratulations to our latest winning soccer team!  Our middle level girls' team followed the lead of our elementary squad and were crowned district soccer champs this week.  They played an entire season undefeated and continued this amazing record throught the playoffs.  A special thanks goes to the dedication and hard work of our players and of course to our team coach Mr. Cabel!

Posted: October 25, 2016

Semi-final action will take place in Blackville tomorrow (Wednesday) at 4 pm. 

Posted: October 19, 2016

Congratulations to our elementary soccer team who won in the finals of their ASD-N Soccer Jamboree.  A special thanks to Mr. Ryan for coaching this year's team and to our players for putting forth such a great effort throughout the season!

Posted: October 17, 2016

Students in grades 3-8 voted for our first official student council of Gretna Green School.  Our executive student council members are Jaden- President, Tyra- Vice President and Ava- Secretary.  Congratulations team and we all look forward to great representation for our students throughout the year!

Posted: October 7, 2016

On behalf of the entire Gretna Green Family, Happy Thanksgiving!  We all hope you enjoy this long weekend and give thanks to the many things that make us all so fortunate to part of Gretna Green.  See you all Tuesday, October 11th!

Posted: October 2, 2016

Our annual school fundraiser kicks off on Monday, October 3rd and ends on Friday October 14th. We will be doing our annual QSP magazine subscriptions as well as Norcard Gift Shoppe catalogue. All money raised will help support student based projects throughout the year and help off set the cost for others.  A student created video will be launched on October 3rd to provide an overview of the awesome prizes the students can win as part of the campaign.

Posted: September 26, 2016

The annual Gretna Green Terry Fox Fundraiser will be taking place this week.  All students are encouraged to bring some spare change throughout the week.  For every loonie students raise they will recieve a ballot for the possibility of being selected as our Principal For The Day!  Also don't forget to join us in our walking school bus on Friday, September 30th.  All students and parents are asked to meet at the Northumberland Mall in Douglastown at 7:30 am and we will walk to the school in memory of Terry Fox.  Looking forward to seeing you all there!  Check this cool promo video created b

Posted: September 25, 2016

A special thank you goes out to the Humphreys family and the staff and crew of the Tatamagouche Tim Hortons camp for providing a learning experience for our middle level students that was second to none!  We all look forward to our goal setting adventures and meeting again in the spring!


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