
Title Description Typesort descending Posted
COVID19 School Closure File school_closure_covid19.docx Mar 14, 2020
Don't Forget to Self Monitor

Please use this document to guide your screening.  Remember that 2 or more of these symptoms and students and staff should not attend school.  Families are asked to screen their children before they leave for school each morning.

PDF icon self-monitor.pdf Sep 7, 2020
Order Online At Our Cafeteria!

Please refer to the attached memo that was sent home regarding details on how to order online from our school cafeteria.  Remember, all profits made return back to our school!

PDF icon parent_letter_for_online_ordering.pdf Dec 11, 2016
X Country Meet Schedule Microsoft Office document icon x_country_schedule.doc Sep 14, 2010
October 2021 Cafeteria Menu PDF icon october_2021_cafeteria_menu.pdf Sep 30, 2021
Grade 6 French Immersion School Supply List 24-25 PDF icon gretna_green_school_supply_list_grade_6_french_immersion_2024-2025.pdf Jun 21, 2024
6-8 Flyer Scholastic Book Fair PDF icon 6-8_flyer_-_scholastic_book_fair_fall_2017.pdf Nov 14, 2017
May 2015 Calendar PDF icon may_2015_calendar.pdf Apr 29, 2015
Drama Schedule - May PDF icon drama_schedule_-_may.pdf May 5, 2014
February 2023 Cafeteria Menu PDF icon february_2023_cafeteria_menu.pdf Jan 31, 2023
November 2019 Calendar PDF icon november_2019_calendar.pdf Oct 31, 2019
H1N1 Vaccine School Immunization Schedule H1N1 vaccine dates and time schedule for Gretna Green Elementary Microsoft Office document icon Memo_Parents_RE_H1N1_Immunization_Schedule_10_23_09.doc Oct 23, 2009
Speed Stacking For further details please contact Mr. Ryan. Microsoft Office document icon speed_stacking1.doc Jan 31, 2011
February 2021 Cafeteria Menu PDF icon february_2021_cafeteria_menu.pdf Jan 29, 2021
May 2017 Calendar PDF icon may_2017_calendar.pdf May 1, 2017
Grade 4 Spell-A-Thon Word List PDF icon Grade_4_Spell-A-Thon_Word_List.pdf Apr 12, 2010
April 2022 Cafeteria Menu PDF icon april_2021_cafeteria_menu.pdf Apr 4, 2022
Gr 7, 8 French Immersion School Supply List PDF icon gretna_green_school_supply_list_gr_7_8_french_immersion_2022-2023.pdf Jun 24, 2022
23-24 School Supply List - Gr. K-2 PDF icon gretna_green_school_supply_list_k-2_2023-2024.pdf Jun 27, 2023
Gr. 5 Sweatshirt Hoodies Arrival Hoodies will be at the school on Thursday, December 17 for pick up PDF icon Me_RE_Grade_5_Sweater_Arrival_12_16_09.pdf Dec 16, 2009


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