Posted: December 10, 2013
My little elves are hard at work this week. They have been working hard on writing a Christmas story on their own. They will complete their story by the end of the week. They continue to amaze me with their oral and writing skills. Bravo mes petits lutins!
We continue to work on Christmas vocabulary and places and attractions that we can find in our community. In math, we will complete our Numbers to 1000 unit and the students will have an end of the unit test next week. Also, students continue to work on their cursive writing skills. They are making good progress.
Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! As you probably already heard from your child, our class won a Pizza Party for " The class of the 1st term!" We were very excited. We will have the pizza party on Tuesday, for lunch. You will not have to pack a lunch, just snacks and a beverage! What a nice break before the holidays! ;)
Have a great week everyone! 15 more days until Christmas! :)