Posted: October 15, 2019
Due Date:
Homework for the week of October 15-18
In math this week, we will continue to work on
-saying numbers forward by 1s to 20.
-Saying numbers backward by 1s from 15
-Recording a given number to 20
-Reading a given number 0-20
-Identify missing number
- Describe a repeating pattern
In French Language Arts, we will work on the following oral structures:
· En quelle année es-tu? (Je suis en première année) What grade are You in?
· Qu’est qu’il y a dans ta classe/ sac a dos ? Dans ma classe, il y a … what is in your classroom and what is in your book bag?
· Qui est dans ta famille? (Dans ma famille, j’ai un papa.) Who is in your familly
· Qui est dans ta famille? (Dans ma famille, j’ai une maman.)
· Comment s’appelle ton papa? (Mon papa s’appelle _________. Il s’appelle…) What is your dad’s name?
· Comment s’appelle ta maman? (Ma maman s’appelle _________. Elle s’appelle…) What is your mom’s name?
· Homework: Students are encouraged to read every night the poem to read this week is “Emilie elephant. Math colorie la regularite demandee (color the patterns asked)
Words to practice reading this week are. (papa, maman,famille, petit, petite grand)
Please be sure to check your child’s binder daily and our website weekly. I will have important notes and documents on both. You are invited to phone me or visit the school any time that you have a question concerning your child's progress.
Paula Matchett