Posted: October 30, 2019
Due Date:
Homework for the week of October 28-November 1
In math this week, we will continue to work on
-saying numbers forward by 1s to 50.
-Saying numbers backward by 1s from 15
-Recording a given number to 40
-Reading a given number 0-10
-Identify missing number
-Count by 2, up to 20, count by 5 up to 50 and count by 10 -50
- Describe a repeating pattern
In French Language Arts, we will work on the following oral structures:
· Qui est dans ta famille? (Dans ma famille, j’ai un papa.) Who is in your familly
· Qui est dans ta famille? (Dans ma famille, j’ai une maman.)
· Comment s’appelle ton papa? (Mon papa s’appelle _________. Il s’appelle…) What is your dad’s name?
· Comment s’appelle ta maman? (Ma maman s’appelle _________. Elle s’appelle…) What is your mom’s name?
· Comment s’appelle ton frere? Comment s’appelle ta sœur? What is your brother’s name? What is your sister’s name?
· Quel sera la date demain? Demain sera le mardi 22 octobre 2019 (what will be the date tomorrow?)
· Halloween vocabulary
Homework: Students are encouraged to read every night the book to read this week is “Joyeuse Halloween!”. Math comper aavec les fantomes (Count with the ghost) -Words to practice reading every night this week are. (animal, garcon, fille, bon, bonne, maison)
Please be sure to check your child’s binder daily and our website weekly.
I will have important notes and documents on both. You are invited to phone me or visit the school any time that you have a question concerning your child's progress.
Paula Matchett