Posted: December 4, 2017
Due Date:
December 4
In math this week, we will , we will continue working on Reciting the number sequence forward by 1s from 0-60,Comparing two given sets (up to 20) and court by 2, up to 20, court by 5, 10 up to 50.
In French Language Arts, we will continue to work on the following oral structures:
Comment te sens-tu?
Je suis joyeux/joyeuse.
Je suis content/contente.
Je suis triste.
J’ai peur.
Pourquoi te sens-tu _____?
We will also learn Christmas vocabulary and work on the sounds “R”
Library day for this week will be on Thursday. Please make sure that your child brings back their books on that day.
Homework is a great way to reinforce skills as well as keep you updated with what we are learning in class. This week, homework will be sent home on Tuesday to be returned to school by Friday.
A math sheet is will be sent home page 148 “Je compte par bonds.” Spelling of the week. ( Je, suis, j’ai est, moi, quand) please make sure that your child practice their words each night as their will be a spelling test every Friday.
Our Christmas concert will be held on Thursday, December 14th @ 10:00 am.
Christmas drama production will be Tuesday, December 5th @ 6:00 pm.
Please be sure to check your child’s binder daily and our website weekly. I will have important notes and documents on both.