Devoirs- le jeudi 21 octobre 2010

Posted: October 21, 2010

Français: Practice your sound sheet F.  Read your book to a family member.  Practice our song, Sur Le Pont D'Avignon.  The link to the song can be found on our class page. English: Continue working on your draft copy of the donkey story.  I will be collecting draft copies on Friday.  Please sign and return your reading log entries. Math: Review your number sheet 0-100.  Begin reviewing your Math sheets for our quiz Tomorrow.          Math Quiz will now be on Friday. Reminders :  We will be recording our song tomorrow ... so if you are a dancer please bring skirt for girls and a shirt for boys, thanks! Please return your parent-teacher interview request form as soon as possible, thank you!  Dancers: Matthew R., Matthew Bi. Ben                Meghan, Molly, Becca