Devoirs le mercredi 16 mars 2011

Posted: March 16, 2011

Francais: Read your book to a family member.                : Sign and correct spelling test.             : Complete reading comprehension activity handed out today. Maths:   Complete sections A to D on fraction worksheets.             Mental Math Quiz on Friday. Science: Students are asked to bring in the materials needed for their Science Fair projects.  Time will be given in class to complete their displays.  The projects are to completed for today in preparation for our School Science Fair on Thursday, Reminder:  We are going to Carrefour Beausoleil for our library visit on tomorrow.  Please bring in library books tomorrow or on Tomorrow. REMEMBER TO WEAR GREEN FOR ST. PATICK'S DAY AND THERE WILL ONLY BE ONE MEAL AVAILABLE IN THE CAFETERIA ON THURSDAY ... A NOTICE HAS ALREADY BEEN SENT HOME WITH THE DETAILS.