Posted: January 9, 2013
Happy New
Year and welcome back! I enjoyed hearing stories about everyone’s holiday break.
This is a short week, so we will be using the
remainder of time to re-establish our routines. Books along with a new monthly “Bingo”
contest/tracking sheet will be placed in reading bags on Monday. New spelling
words will also be sent home on Monday to practice throughout the week in
preparation for weekly quizzes on Friday’s.
We started a
new unit in Math today. We will be learning about time and
measurement. I do not anticipate this unit to take much time in order to complete. Looking
ahead, our next unit will be on addition and subtraction. We continuing to practice mental math strategies and doubles i.e. 2+2 = 4 and doubles
+/- 1 i.e. 2+3=5, 5+4=9, etc on a daily basis. Our "Tour du monde" flash card game continues to be a hit with everyone.
Our skating
rink is up and running. We will be booking a day soon to go out and enjoy
the ice. Parents are welcome to join us J Sudents are reminded that
they must have skates and a helmet to go on the ice! If you don't
have any, let me know and I'll see if I can track some down. I will post a
note on my page as soon as our time has been allocated.
Mr. Glazier