Posted: June 11, 2013
Welcome back! Only 2 more weeks left of school. As you may have noticed, our year end video presentations have been posted. You should be very proud of your child. They have come a long way since September and have shined throughout the year.
French - This week we will be wrapping up our Daily 5 activities for the year. If you have any books at home, please ensure they are returned to school by Friday. Friday, students will complete various research activities with a chosen book that they have recently read.
Math - We continue to review material covered throughout the year. Students really enjoy the math links that have been provided throughout the year on my page
Science - We will be completing our second structure this week. Students will tackle building a tower with newspapers and masking tape. I’m excited to see what students are able to come up with.
*** Reminders ***
Wednesday - popcorn
Thursday - library. Please return books.
June 18th - JMH activity day.
Have a great week!