Posted: May 6, 2013
Welcome back. We have a full and busy week ahead of us. Please keep in mind that drama continues each Monday and Wednesday. Please refer to Mrs. Brandfield’s agenda to make sure you come on the appropriate days.
**Please ensure reading bags are sent to school daily. Many items are placed in them throughout the week. Thank you!
French - Books have been exchanged today. They are to be read tonight and tomorrow. Wednesday students will write what they have read in their journals. Throughout the week, we will also continue preparing our scripts for our year end video. Stay tuned J
Math- We will be finishing up our unit on multiplication and division. Activity sheets will be sent home nightly in order to give parents an indication of what we have went over in class that day and what to expect on our quiz Friday.
Also, you may/may not have heard that there will no longer be a provincial math assessment for grade 3 students at the end of May. The Assessment and Evaluation Branch (Anglophone Division) of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development is currently adjusting a number of measure in order to “ensure organizational alignment” within certain areas. As such, there will be no examination and math class will continue as usual for the remainder of the year.
Science - We will be continuing our exploration of plants and soil. Within the next two weeks, we will move on to our materials and structures unit.
Health - We will finish our activity from last week, whereby we took various measurements and had to plot them on a bar chart.
Wednesday - popcorn day
Thursday - library
Friday - Assembly at 1:00 p.m. in gymnasium regarding Mango Go for 42 Fun Run.
If you have any question, please contact me. :)