Posted: November 13, 2012
I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend! The weather was fantastic! As usual, we have a lot to squeeze in this week.
This week, our theme will be on birthdays. We finished our family theme, and family pictures have been returned for those who sent them in. Thank you. I opted for an oral activity as opposed to a writing one due to time constraints. As a result, we had a class show and tell with the pictures.
We will also focus on the letter Rr this week. A reading sheet will be placed in your child's reading bag tomorrow. We will also begin to practice level C books for next week's readings.
We are almost finished recording ourselves reading with Audacity. The podcasts will be up ASAP. I will continue assessing your child's reading this week in class. By the end of December, it is expected that your child be reading level C-D books. With that being said, please ensure that your child reads for 15 minutes every night, regardless if it ony takes them 5 minutes to read the book.
I marked our math quiz today. It has also been placed in your child's book bag. I am impressed :) We read the questions aloud as a class, followed by them answering the questions independently. Please sign and return tomorrow. We will begin our new unit on Patterns tomorrow.
1) Read 15 minutes and record on reading sheet.
2) Cursive writing letter Rr
Show and Tell:
Wednesday - Kennedy sisters
Thursday - Kayla
Friday - Eden
Wednesday is Popcorn Day
Thursday is library
Friday is reading buddies in the afternnon with our Kindergarden friends. Friday is also "Green and Gold" day at school.
Lastly, Scholastic orders for December are due Friday, December 7th.
Please note next Thursday evening and Friday is parent-teacher interviews. If you have not yet submitted the yellow sheet indicating a time you would like to meet with me, please do so as soon as possible. Thank you. Let's have a great week!