November 19-22

Posted: November 19, 2012

This short week's theme will be about what makes us unique. Next week, we will begin discussing what our favorite passe times are.  Our focus will be the letter Mm. You will also notice on the sheet that they will practice at home this week (found in reading bag) that there is a new list of current words to practice as well. Cursive writing binders will be sent home tomorrow once we have had a chance to practice first in class. We are now reading C levels books in class. Books sent home this week are the same level as well. Please ensure that your child reads at home and write's down their book in their reading log sheet. I still see some students doing this in the morning, and it confuses them  as well as myself  as we exchange books. Madame France will also continue to record students' reading. She is in the process of recording student's reading level B books. Once complete, I will post teh audio files on my teacher page. It is expected that students be reading level C-D books by teh end of December. We are well on our way. In math, we will be learning new terms regarding patterns a.k.a les régularités. We will continue to work in our activity binders, play games on the Alberta Learn website, and complete textbook work. Tomorrow, students will be creating various patterns using, blocks, dice, base 10 units, etc. They will have to then explain their partners to a partner and then the class. Remember there is no school Friday. Report cards went home today.  Parents please sign and return the envelope. Thanks! Parent-Teacher conferences will be held on Thursday evening and Friday morning. Appointment times will be in the report card envelope. Our book fair visits will be Tuesday at 12:30 and Thursday at 9:15. Students can browse and make orders on Tuesday and purchase their books on Thursday. Popcorn on Wednesday, library on Thursday. Friday we will be reading en Français with Madame Dickson’s class in the morning, and finally in the afternoon with our Kindergarten friends.