October 10-12

Posted: October 9, 2012

    A busy 3 days ahead of us en 3e année. This week is Fire Prevention Week! There will be a presentation on Wednesday morning and a fire drill at some point throughout the week. Mad Science also continues this week for those who are registered on Wednesday and Thursday. Interim Report Cards will also be handed out on Friday. As far as homework goes, everyone will again be receiving new books to read each night. Please ensure you child reads for 15 minutes, records what they have read on their sheet and returns to school the next day. We will also be learning the vowel U en francais and how to write Uu in cursive. In math, we will be continuing our unit on numbers. We will be working on ways to represent numbers up to 1000 (place value). Math homework may be sent home this week depending how much is accomplished in class due to our shortened schedule. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at school. Thank you :)