October 15-19

Posted: October 15, 2012

          This week in class we will be learning the sound "S" en français. We will also continue to rehearse new guided reading books (level A) in preparation for next week's readings. We will also be discussing what we like and do not like as a theme (ce que j'aime et ce que je ne aime pas") at school. The theme compliments preferences and needs, and will focus on an animal of their choice as both discussion and writing topics. A head's up to parents, in November we will begin show and tell in class. Details to follow near the end of the month. The goal is to have your child speak/present what they have learned thus far in a different context. Homework: Français - 1) reading each night (guided book and letter S sheet)                 2) cursive writing (letter S) Math - continue to view and practice math websites on my teacher page. (Counting, representing numbers i.e. base 10, place value) Notes: - Crofts students will be visiting on Wednesday to present a project to our students at GG           - Popcorn Wednesday           - Library Thursday Please contact me if you have any questions. Cheers :)