Posted: April 20, 2018
Welcome back! Another fun filled week in 4FI Glazier. Students are encourage to pack an extra pair of socks, splash pants, etc with Spring like temperatures just around the corner. The playground is becoming soggy/muddy in some places.
A reminder that next Wednesday is a half day for students. Dismissal will take place at 11:15.
French - We have continued to practice our comprehension and reading strategies in preparation for our provincial assessment in May. We also worked on our brochure for writing. Our goal is to complete the brochure by next week and move on to an avertisement writing text.
Math - We completed and reviewed our fraction unit. Our unit test took place Friday. They will be corrected early next week to be signed and returned.
Science - Students completed their habitat shoe box project. They will be presenting to various classes next week.
Again, if you have any question, comments, and/or concerns, please cntact me at school. I will return your calls as soon as possible. Cheers.
M. Glazier