April 2nd-6th

Posted: April 6, 2018

Welcome back to a shortened week in 4Glazier. I trust everyone enjoyed their Easter weekend. Please note that parent-teacher interviews will be held next Thursday p.m. and Friday a.m. Yellow interview sign-up sheets were sent home last week.

French - We concluded our procedural text assignment and will be moving on to pamphlet/brochure writing. This assignment will be in conjunction with our Social Studies unit. As always, Daily 5, spelling test and comprehension take part daily. We will correct our comprehension homework this Thursday.

Math - We continue to work on Fractions.  This unit has been going smoothly thus far. In the near future, we will be moving on to graphing and geometry. I continue to encourage students to practice their Mathletics at home. There is also many links to various math activities that students are encouraged to visit and play on my teacher page under “web links.” Please notify me if you wish to have any additional works sent home to practice.

Science - Our marshland habitat bulletin board project is underway. Next week we will be working on our shoebox dioramas. If students have any figurines, Lego pieces, Playdoh, etc. that could be use to incorporate into their diorama, please send to class next week.

Health - We are focusing on personal wellness and mental health this week. Students have been learning to do Yoga and mindfulness activities in class. Next week, students will be building their own “Mindfulness” jars to bring home.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I will respond via phone call as promptly as I can. Let’s have a great week! Cheers.