Posted: April 5, 2022
Welcome back to our first full week of April. Report cards will be going home Monday, April 11th.
French - We continue to speak, read and write daily en français. Please continue to utilize "Je lis je lis" for reading. We are continuing with our spring theme.
Math - We will commence our new measurement unit this week, Our focus will be units (cm, cm2, m) and when to apply them.
Social Studies - We continue to learn all about New Brunswick i.e. demographics, topography, etc.
Health - We will be learning all about Canada's new food guide this week. Could you please send in grocery flyers with your son/daughter for a fun project we will undertake later in the month.
Health - We will begin to talk about emotions. Later in the month, students will create a mindfullness jar with clear glue and sparkles.
As always, please reach out if you have any questons and/or concerns. Cheers!