Posted: December 14, 2020
Only 5 days until Christmas holidays and our last week of school for 2020! Please return any library books at home before Friday, December 18th.
Few Reminders:
Monday - Christmas concert dress rehearsal
Tuesday - Library and Christmas concert recording. Concert will be posted to school website later in the week.
Wednesday - SNAP with Mrs. Quan from Big Brothers Big SIsters.
Thursday - Ugly sweater for 3-5 students. Donations of a non-perishable food item will be accepted for the food bank.
Friday - I will be serving hot chocolate.
- We will be wrapping up our holiday themed activities. All work will be sent home on Friday.
- No books will be sent home this week unless requested.
- We continue with subtraction this week. Our focus will be subtraction without regrouping.
If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great week at GG. Cheers!