Feb 8-12th

Posted: February 8, 2021

Welcome back! Our theme this week is Valentine's Day.

Please Note:

- Tuesday library


- Wednesday SNAP with Mrs. Quann. This will be our last session with Mrs.Quann due to last week's snow day.


- Friday is Hat Day in support of the SPCA ($1 donation) and Red clothes for Valentine's Day. 


FRENCH - Reading will now take place via "Je Lis" website. A notice was updated on my page last week. Student usernames and passwords have been placed in your child's lunch bag. Student's know which book they have to read this week. Please reach out if you have any questions. For those who have created a Duolingo account at home, please send/e-mail me their password and can practice here at school if you would like.


MATH - Student's continue with Zorbit Math daily. We will be conducting surveys in class this week and tally our results. Ultimate goal will be to interpret our results.


Social Studies - We will expand our learning to talk about continents this week. We are working towards completing our maps of Miramichi as well. 


If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great week at GG. Cheers!