January 9-13th

Posted: January 10, 2017

Welcome back and Happy New Year.  I hope you all had an enjoyable break and are looking forward to 2017 at GG and 6/7/8 Glazier!

You may have noticed that our outdoor rink is almost ready.  As soon as the ice surface is ready we will be going skating! Please stay tuned for notices.

French - This week Grade 6 students will complete their adventure story. Grade 7 students will also complete their mystery story and Photo story of their text (enrichment), whilst the grade 8 students will be commencing a narrative writing piece either about a tale/legend or an adventure. As always, writing traits continue to be taught throughout as well as grammar, conventions, homophones, guided reading, etc.

Math - Decimal numbers(understanding place value less than 1000, multiplying, and dividing) will be our unit of study. Additional work and remaining homework will be sent home to be completed. Please let me know if you wish to have any additional work for your child to complete at home. Refer for my "web link" for numerous math websites to practice at home.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact me at the school. I will respond promptly via telephone. Let's have a great week at GG!