Posted: March 21, 2022
Welcome to French and Science Week at GG. We have an eventful 4 days planned for students. Please refer to my recent post in regards to "La Semaine de la Francophonie" and the attached link for Science Week.NB Science Week 2022 March 21-24 | STEM NORTH (
Our salmon eggs from the hatchery are due to arrive today. Mr. Grant Henry from the Miramichi Salmon Association will be giving students a brief presentation about salmon to the students.
Please note that there is NO school for students Friday. It is a professional learning day for all educators.
French - We continue to speak, read and write daily en français. Please continue to utilize "Je lis je lis" for reading. Our theme will be "Le printemps"
Math - We continue to spend the remainder of the month learning different subtraction strategies and strenghtening our sense of numbers.
Social Studies - We will continue learning specifically about New Brunswick i.e. demographics, topography, etc.
As always, please reach out if you have any questons and/or concerns. Cheers!