May 31st - June 4th

Posted: May 31, 2021

Welcome back! Only 4 more weeks remain. 

Each year, on September 30th, ASD-N staff and students are invited to participate in “Orange Shirt Day”.  This day is designed to educate and bring awareness to Canadians about the Canadian Indian residential school system that existed in our country and the impact it has had on Indigenous Communities and people for more than a century.

With recent news regarding the former Kamloops Indian Residential School, ASD-N would like to renew awareness. 

To honour the lives of these 215 children and all children who perished or never returned home due to the Residential School system, and to honour the experiences of the survivors, we are asking staff and students to wear an orange shirt tomorrow, Monday, May 31st.   ASD-N is very fortunate to have strong relationships with Mi’kmaq communities, and one in every seven students in our district is of First Nation heritage.  Please wear orange on Monday, and renew the call that Every Child Matters (ASD-N)

Few Reminders:

Monday - Year end field trip notice sent home to be signed and returned

Tuesday - library

FRENCH - I continue to read with students and am in the process of finalizing year end reading assessment. I have seen many personal gains across the board this year. We are also in the process of drafting our year end writing assignment this week. Next week will students will write their good copies.

Math - We completed our district assessment last week. The remainder of our time will serve as a review of materials covered this year.

Science - We will "dig deep" and discuss the difference amongst soil layers. I plan to go outside and have students make observations by digging a large soil pit.

Health - We will be distinguishing the differences in emotional states and activities we partake in from childhood up to adulthood. 

If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to e-mail me. I will call ASAP. Let's have a great week a GG.