Posted: May 7, 2018
Welcome back to 4FI Glazier. This week we will be going outside for morning recess. Please make sure you are dressed appropriately.
French - We continue to practice our comprehension and reading strategies in preparation for our provincial assessment. We will be working on a Mother’s Day surprise as well this week.
Math - We have completed our Measurement unit. This week and next we will learn about pictograms and bag graphs. We will them wrap up with Geometry prior to our provincial assessment.
Science - We will continue reviewing and practicing various questions related to the assessment.
If you have any question, comments, and/or concerns, please contact me at school. I will return your calls as soon as possible. Cheers.
Recycling presentation Tuesday a.m.
Internet Safety presentation Thursday a.m.
Grade 5 annual Yard Sale on Thursday. If you would like to purchase something make sure to bring in your money. Items are $1 or less.
All Petro Canada gas fundraiser tickets are due in the office by Friday (a.m.)
Ducks Unlimited "Minor Release Form" need to be returned as soon as possible.