Posted: May 10, 2022
Welcome back! I'm looking forward to a beautiful sunny week. We will begin to slowly take our classroom learning outside from time to time. On a side note, we also have pumpkin seeds planted in our classroom, which will be planted in our school community garden in June.
FYI - A field trip notice for our salmon release and seperate year end field trip will be sent home to be signed and returned next week.
French - I will begin assessing students reading individually this week in preparation for year end report cards. We also continue to practice our high frequency words daily and comprehension skills.
Math - We will use our time this week to review measurement. Moving forward, students will be learning all about geometry and 3D shapes.
Health - We continue to talk about emotions. I am still in need of a few more flyers to complete a Canada's Food Guide project with students. If you have any spare one's at home, please send with your child.
As always, please reach out if you have any questons and/or concerns. Cheers!