Posted: November 19, 2018
Welcome back to another fun filled week in 3FI Glazier. Christmas is just around the corner. Today we begin to practice our two Christmas songs in French with Mlle Savoie’s Gr 4 class.
French - This week’s sound will be “er and ez”. Homework binders will be sent home to practice along with a new preposition (in front, behind, side, above and under) activity sheet. The activity sings to the song “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” which I have included on my teacher page. Please ensure homework binders, reading bags, and books are returned to school. Many have gone missing, and I am in the process of doing a quick inventory. I have also included a review of our first set of numbers (0-30) that have been well rehearsed in class. Please practice all week and return Friday. Please continue to read books nightly, and ensure that it is return daily and also colored on their reading log sheet.
We will be discussing our heights this week as we learn what makes us unique. This will concluded our first unit in French. Next week, students will incorporate what they have learned into our first writing assignment.
Math - We will be reviewing everything taught to date. Unit quiz on Friday. We will then move on to addition and subtraction of 2 digit numbers.
- Dress for the weather. Snow pants, boots, hats and mitts are required during recess.
- School Fundraiser winners will be announced Tuesday.