Oct 21st-25th

Posted: October 21, 2019

Welcome back to another week in 3FI Glazier! I look forward to hearing everyone's weekend stories. 

Reminders for the week:

- Please ensure reading bags and folder are sent to school daily.

- Homework: Two Halloween poems and math numbers (0-80) review. Guided reading books changed weekly during Daily 5 rotation.

- School Fundraiser assembly Tuesday at 10:50 a.m. Fundraising tickets will be sent home on Friday.

- We will be going outside Tuesday afternoon as part of Take Me Outside Day. Please refer to the link (https://takemeoutside.ca/) for more information

- Math Reflex has proven to be a huge success with students. Everyone looks forward to receiving their daily" green light." Thus far the class has gained 900 fluent facts and have solved a wopping 17,000 addition and subtraction facts as a whole...wow!

- Just a reminder to please date any notice you send with your child (bus notes, permissions, etc.)

If you have any questions/concerns please reach out and contact me at school. I will return you call as soon as possible. Thanks!