Week of Oct. 10 - Oct. 14

Posted: October 10, 2016

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you enjoyed for 5 days off.  Here are a few things happening this week in and around our classroom and school:

*  In Literacy, we will be working on the letters E & F.  So many things begin with these letters, such as, elephant, egg, Easter, envelope, eye, fish, frog, french fries, funny, and Friday.  The letter E e is a hard working vowel because it makes 2 sounds.  We will start "Show and Tell" this Friday.  For this, each child can bring in something that begins with the letter E or something that begins with the letter F.  Have fun hunting!

*  In Math, we will be finishing up Patterns this week.  The boys and girls are having a great time learning about and building patterns.

*  It's Fire Prevention Month and we will be having an assembly in the gym on Thursday.

*  Our School Fundraiser will come to an end on Friday.  Please send in any orders you may have by Friday.