Posted: May 19, 2009
On Wednesday May 13th, Mrs. Moody’s class went on a math scavenger hunt in the playground. We got into pairs and were given two sheets. The first sheet asked us to look for shapes and the second one asked us to look for attributes of a shape.
Then we got to go to the big kids playground. We were excited because we never get to go there. When we were there, we looked for shapes on the playground. Some of us sat on the swings to write, others used the jungle gym and some used the slide. We could write anywhere we wanted to.
We switched half way with Miss O’Reilly’s class and moved to the little kids playground. During our adventures, Colby found a rock that looked like a gym whistle and Chandler found a mystery shape. He is still not sure what the shape is! Both Bilal and Brooke B found a shape that no one else found. It was a triangular tree.
When the class was finished we all got to play on the playground as a reward for our hard work! It was an awesome day!
Mrs. Moody’s Class – Shared Writing