WEEK OF DEC 6 - 10

Posted: December 6, 2010

Welcome back to another blustery week at Gretna Green! Spelling:  This week we will review our word family “an”.  Students should be aware that Allie Alligator and Nigel Night owl might be at the beginning, middle or end.  It is your job to be good detectives and find out where they are! Writing:  This week students are writing about the decorations on their Christmas tree.  Students are working on organizing their thoughts by using a web, so they can write lots of details about their beautiful Christmas trees.  I can’t wait to read them! Library:  Next week, December 13th will be the last week for taking out library books.  All books must be returned to the library no later than December 20th.  If all students return their books on time, the librarian has a special treat for the class.  I wonder what it is?  And will she share with Mrs. Moody?  Hint of the week:  Reading should sound like talking, not like a robot.  Have your child phrase their words when reading (putting 2-3 words together at a time, or more if they can), so they can hear what good reading sounds like.