Posted: February 20, 2012
*Just a reminder there is no school on Friday.
Spelling: This weeks spelling words are focusing on the "sweet but Bossy Ellie Elephant"
blade, shade, made, bake, cake, date, late, skate, made
Our spelling test will be on Thursday this week.
Math: We are still working on Addition and Subtraction to 12. Students have learned such strategies as "counting on" example: 6 + 4 + 10....they would say 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Also they are learning to "counting back" example 5 - 3 = 2 .....they would say "5" and count back 3.
I have uploaded some games to help them practice at home.
I just wanted to take this time and say a huge THANK YOU for all the treats and stickers I received last week. Teacher Appreciation Week would not have been what it was without parents like you!
Have a great week and please return the homework binders on Thursday. Thanks!