Week of Jan 24 – 28

Posted: January 24, 2011

Spelling  This week we will be looking at the poem “bugs”.  Students will be practicing their fluency by attending to punctuation and looking for their spelling words.  I, on, like, a, the, of, in Hint of the Week:  If you see your child is struggling to remember one of their sight words when reading, have him or her bring it to fluency.  They can write it in the air, on a white board, on the table with their finger, or use magnet letters (if you have them).  After this, have them find it in the book they have just read.     Wednesday is Come in Character Day Students are encouraged to dress up as their favorite character and bring in their favorite book.  I can’t wait to see what you dress up as! Thank you very much to Mrs. Binedell for volunteering to read on Wednesday! Have a great week!