Posted: May 9, 2011
Spelling: This weeks words are; went, make about, don't, I'm, my.
This will be the last week for new words this year. Next week, a list will be sent home with all the words students have learned this year. Please practice them weekly as students will still have a test each Friday.
Writing: We are still working on sentence fluency. Students will be focusing on reading their stories out loud to see if they are "smooth" or "bumpy" sounding.
Mango: Our final Mango challenge for the year starts May 9 and ends June 10. A note has gone home with information regarding the Kids Fun Run on July 3. Logs were sent home for your children to keep track of any km's they do at home. I will keep track of any km's they walk at school. Please return the logs on Friday or send a note showing how many km's they walked. I will be recording and passing out shoes each Friday. Thank you for your cooperation.
Book orders: Your orders have come in and I have sent them home with your child today. June's orders will be sent home sometime next week.
Have a great week!