
Posted: February 13, 2012

We encourage you to send your child to school tomorrow wearing pink for Anti-Bullying Awareness. Also the 100th Day of School will be celebrated on Feb. 20.  If your child chose to work on a collection/project for the 100th Day of School for their homework last week, they can bring it in on the 20th to show the class. Our tour of the Hospital will take place on Feb. 22.  We will be leaving the school at 9:00 (please make sure your child has a good breakfast before coming to school as they may not have time to go to the breakfast program before we leave and their morning break may be later than usual).  They have asked us to limit the number of parent volunteers to one due to overcrowding in departments where space is limited.  Juice, cheese and crackers will be given to the students at the hospital for their morning recess snack. A permission slip will be sent home later in the week.