Posted: September 16, 2018
I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather on the weekend!! This week is the beginning of the Terry Fox Spare Change drive. We have a spare change container in our classroom for anyone who wants to donate. Our Terry Fox walk will be Friday afternoon at 1:30.
Also this week is our Walking School Bus!! Thursday morning, everyone is encouraged to meet us at the Northumberland Square Mall to walk to school. You must have an adult to walk with you!
On Monday we will have our 15 minute free time reward for filling our Superstar board again. You are proofing that you know how to be great listeners! Well done Superstars.
Language Arts - This week we will continue to work on our Daily 5 routines. We will continue to work on Read to Self, Work on Writing and we will be adding Word Work.
Math - We will continue to work on Representing Numbers in Different Ways.
Social Studies - We will continue to get prepared for the Gretna Green "Student Vote".
Let's have another Superstar week!!