This Week in GG3-4 SS November 20 -23

Posted: November 18, 2017

Welcome back to another awesome week superstars. This is a four day week of school because there will be Parent-Teacher Interviews and PD on Friday.  So that means no school for you!

Report cards will go home on Monday! Parent-Teacher interview times will be indicated on your report card.

We will be visiting the Scholastic Book Fair this week on Monday and Wednesday afternoon at 1:00.

As a class we are still working on choosing to be "Nice"! We have most of our Superstar board filled in which means that many of you chose to do the right thing last week and you were "nice" to your friends and classmates. Way to go!

Basketball for both boys and girls will start this week.  Times and days will be passed on as soon as I have them.


Language Arts - We will be learning about the proper use of an apostrophe. As well, we will continue to work on Ideas and Organization with our writing.

Math - We will be practicing the mental math strategies we have learned and we will continue to work on adding with two, three and four digit numbers.

Health - This week we are going to explore Canada's Food Guide.

Music - This week will be begin to practice for our Christmas Concert.

Let's have another superstar week!