Posted: February 1, 2015
Wow, it's the first week of February! Time is flying by. There are only 4 weeks until March break.*Boys and Girls basketbal continues this week. Check your schedules for games and practices. There is a Girl's game afterschool on Monday at Gretna Green.*Monday is Groundhog Day. I hope the Groundhog doesn't see his shadow!!* Drama practice continues this week. Stay tuned for practice times.*We are going to have our Mystery Skype this week. It was snowed out last week! We are planning for Thursday. Language Arts - This week, we are going to review syllables, conventions, nouns and adjectives.Math- We are going to finish our last Lesson on Multiplication and Division and have our Unit Test by Friday.Health - Monday we are going to record our Healthy kids projects.Science- We are going to start our Unit on Light and Sound. Let's have another Superstar week!