This Week in GG4SS - February 18 -21

Posted: February 16, 2014

  A four day week ahead of us superstars!!  Remember that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 17.  It is a Professional Learning Day for teachers.* Boy's Basketball this week - there is a home game against Croft afterschool on Tuesday. You will also have the end of the season Jamboree on Thursday at Dr. Losier.* Girl's Basketball - There is NO practice on Tuesday but you have the end of season District Jamboree on Thursday at Dr. Losier.*Drama continues this week.*Thursday we will be having our 3rd Annual Gretna Green Outdoor Hockey Tournament.  I know that there are many of our Superstars playing in this tournament. Good luck and have fun! *Stay tuned for skating dates for this week.  I have to sign our class up for a date and time when we return onTuesday. Language Arts - We will be looking at Conventions, our Spelling Words, reviewing words that end in "le" and reviewing the proper use of a comma.Math - We will be starting our Lesson on Using Arrays to Divide.Science - We will finish our projects on "Light" and present them to your classmates. Let's have another Superstar week!