This Week in GG4SS - January 13 - 17

Posted: January 12, 2014

 Week 2 of 2014...and looking forward to many more exciting weeks!* Girls Basketball starts this week on Tuesday from 2:30 - 3:30.*Boys Basketball resumes this week on Monday.  There is a game afterschool on Monday at 3:45 against Harkins.  Boys can stay afterschool to get warmed up for the game.*Drama - remember to be studying your lines...auditions will be coming very soon!*Remember to dress for the weather.  There is still lots of snow to have fun with! Language Arts - This week we will be learning about the Writing Trait of Voice. We will also continue to work on our Non-Fiction Writing and we will be reviewing vowels sounds. Math - We will start our Unit on Multiplication and DivisionHealth- This week we will finish up our study on "Being A Healthy Kid" by preparing our own "Commercials"! Let's have another "Superstar Week"!