This Week in GG4SS - January 27 - 29

Posted: January 26, 2014

 This is the last full week of January...times flies when we are having fun in 4S! Great work on your Healthy Kid Commericals...we will try to get the last one video taped Monday!*Boy's Basketball continues on Monday. The boys have an away game vs St. Andrews. Good Luck Boys!!*Girl's Basketball continues on Tuesday.  The game that was scheduled has been cancelled you only have a practice afterschool.*Drama practices will start soon.  Listen to the morning announcements for details on the times and dates!*On Friday we will have our monthly assembly to celebrate the class and student of the month.  Start to think about who would be a good nominees for these awards this month. Language Art - We will finish up our study on the Writing Trait of Voice and we will be reviewing the letter "Y" as a vowel sound.  Our SPELLING TEST  is on Friday. Math - This week we will be learning how to multiply by using Skip Counting. You will also need to keep practicing your 2 and 3 times table. We will have a timed test on the 3 times table on Wednesday and a test on both the 2 and 3 times table on Friday. Science - We will be starting our unit of study on "Light". There is lots of fun experiements in this unit. Let's have another SuperStar week!!