This Week in GG4SS - May 20 -23

Posted: May 19, 2014

 I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend!! Only 5 weeks of school left!!! and only 2 more weeks of homework!!* Mountain Biking begins this week for Grade 4&5. The first race is at Croft on Wednesday at 3:45.*Fishing Club - All students involved in the bass tournament need to submit their bass tally sheets to Mr. Comeau by Wednesday morning.*Drama students will be travelling to JMH to watch the JMH drama production on Wednesday monring @ 9:00. Language Arts - This week we will be looking at all our Writing Traits and reading comprehension activities. We will also be discussing our June projects.Math - We will continue with our new unit on Fractions.Social Studies - We will finish our Canadian MapsScience - We will be starting our unit on Rocks and Minerals. Let's have another Superstar week.