This Week in GG4SS- May 25 - 29

Posted: May 24, 2015

 Welcome back to our last full week in May.  Only 4 weeks left of grade 4!!! Time is flying by. *Congratulations to Josh, Nathan, Riley and Max for a great performance at the District Archery competition.* This Friday is PJ Day!!!.. Roll out of bed and come to school in your Pajamas!*Good Luck to Max who will be representing Grade 4 at the ASD-N Spelling Bee at Croft on Friday!*The weather is getting warmer, remember to wear sunscreen.Language Arts - We will continue working on synonyms, antonyms and homonyms.Math - We will be finishing our unit on Measurement and we will have our Unit Test on Tuesday.Science - We will continue working on our Habitat projects. Let's have another Superstar week!!