This Week in GG4SS - May 26 - 30

Posted: May 25, 2014

 This is the last week of May and our LAST WEEK OF HOMEWORK for Grade 4!!  We have a fun and exciting week ahead of us.*Only 4 weeks of school left.  *Hopefully everyone is out getting exercise to keep up with the Mango Challenge!*The GG Drama production, The Wizard of Oz, will take place on Thursday night at 7:00. The dress rehersal will take place on Wednesday morning at 10:15.  * The second Bike Race of the year will take place Monday at 4:00 at NSEE.*We will have our Monthly Assembly in the gym on Friday at 1:15.*We have a guest speaker via Skype on Monday.  A Conservation Officer from Manitoba. Language Arts - We are going to work on our Year End Literacy Projects starting on Monday.Math - We will finish our Unit on Fractions on Monday and start our Unit on Measurement.Science - We are going to begin our Unit on Rocks and Minerals. Let's have another Superstar week!