Posted: October 18, 2015
Welcome back to a full 5 day week of school Superstars. It is going to be a great week!* Mad Science begins this week, Wednesday after school.*Drama continues this week.*The District Soccer Jamboree will take place on Tuesday at Croft.*Picture re-takes are on Thursday.*Our school fundraiser wrapped up last Friday. You can still bring order forms in on Monday if you have any at home. We will find out later in the week who the prize winners are.*Remember to bring warm clothing for the morning recess. It is starting to get cooler in the mornings. Language Arts - This week we will learn about the proper use of Apostrophies.Math - We will be starting our Lesson on Estimating Subtraction of 3 and 4 digit numbers.Science - We will start and finish our Rocks and Mineral projects in between our Remembrance Day practices. Let's have another Superstar week!