Posted: January 14, 2013
Our first full week of school for 2013!!! Yeah!!!
* Basketball starts this week for any students in Grade 2 and 3 that want to join. The girl's program is on Wednesdays from 2:30-3:30. The boy's program is on Thursdays from 2:30-3:30.
* Book Orders are due back this Friday, January 18.
* Crazy Sock Hop - The Student Council has a Sock Hop planned for recess time. Where your crazy socks and get ready to dance!
* Skating - As soon as our rink is ready we will be going outside as a class to skate,
Language Arts - We are working on a good Introducation in writing. We will also start our regular rotation of the Daily 5.
Math - We will continue to practice our Doubles and will be review Fact Families!
Social Studies - We will be learning about Rural and Urban areas of New Brunswick.
Let's have another Superstar week!