Dec 10 - Dec -14

Posted: December 9, 2012

Celebrating letters "Ww and Xx" this 2nd week of December!   Monday  and Tuesday we will focus on Willy Weasel, Wednesday and Thursday we focus on Xavier Fox.  Friday we review both letters and have Show and Tell with articles that have  "w" or "x" in the name.  These are easily confused letters - w with m or u, x with y .  Have your child really look at Willie Weasel.  He sits on top of the letter.  Xavier Fox crosses his needles.  Willy Weasel makes his sound with his lips.  Be careful not to put any "uh's" on the end of the /w/ sound.  The sound is on the lips.  Xavier Fox is even tricker.  He makes either an /ex/ sound or a /z/ sound at the beginning of words and a /ks/ sound in the middle and the end of words.  Isn't learning English so easy?:)Oh,  I have many "ZooPhonic Alphabet Campfire Notebooks" left at school from Parent Teacher.  If you did not receive one please send an e-mail or note if you would like one.Sight Word - Here, here   Booklet to "read"  is Santa Things  Waiting for Santa - The focus this week is "We are wonderful weekly workers.   and                                                                             "We set an excellent example for others".To promote the whole class working co-operatively if during the time period (1 hr) the student the teacher is watching is a wonderful worker and an excellent example to others the whole class gets a sticker on their name tag.  The whole class can earn at least 4 stickers every day from Dec 3 to Dec 20.  What a beautifully decorated name tag every student should have.  One they know, they earned, by doing the right things!  Looking forward to a very busy and fun week!