Home Learning January 11-21

Posted: January 10, 2022

Good morning,

Just a note to remind everyone that Home learning Packets can be picked up outside the office door from 1-3 this afternoon.  I have included two packets that I have put together into one packet.  At the beginning of the packet the work is a bit easier and gets a bit harder.  I would also like you to continue with the three online resources that have been available throughout the year.  They are Raz kids, Squigglepark and Dreambox.  I would also recommend you to do at least 20 minutes of physical activity a day. GoNoodle is a class favourite.  Please do the best you can to compete some of the work each day.  I would love for you to send me pictures\videos of any activities or work you have completed.  Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions.  I can't wait until we can be together as a class again.  I miss everyone very much.

Take care and stay well.