Posted: November 7, 2011
In Science class, we have been learning about motion. In one lesson on Friction, students were asked to design a
parachute. They took friction, air resistance and the increase in speed at different heights into consideration. In groups, they designed their own parachute which was to be dropped with an egg inside, from 6 feet, from the top of a flight of stairs, and if it survived that, then it would be dropped from the top of the school roof (with the help of Mr. Comeau). One egg survived, and the winning team was Julie, Krista, Deegan and Kaitlyn! Good job!
The students had a great time and all worked very well together to design their parachutes. They were also interviewed by two students throughout the process of designing their parachute. It was recorded on a podcast and will be uploaded shortly.
Great job 5H!!!