February 21- 25

Posted: February 21, 2011

     Homework:  Math-  Relating Multiplication and Division : Lesson 8 - Remember to use arrays to help you find the multiplication and division equations. Practice your 10x tables.Ex: 10 x 0, 10 x 1, 10 x 2   Literacy: Read atleast 15 minutes each night Painting Word Pictures Handout: Read the "Mud Fights" poem, to help you paint a picture in your mind about what you can SEE, HEAR, TOUCH, TASTE and SMELL. Look over the Chart. Read story "Cleaning the Garage" and fill in the empty chart for that story. What do you see, hear, touch, taste and smell in the story?  Write your own story about a chore you would rather not do, or perhaps having a really fun time with a friend. Use your own chart to help in your "prewriting".  Story should be atleast 5 sentences.   Spelling test: The February word spelling test will be on Monday, February 28th.     Have a great week Grade 4!   - Miss. Hitchman